Training team at Global Development Foundation is conducting 'Professional Communication & Grooming Programs' and developing solutions to benefit its students and target groups. The 'Professional Communication & Grooming Programs' are aimed either at identifying gaps for organizational performance or conducting a Training Needs Assessment to obtain clear objectives prior to a recruitment session.
Global Development Foundation team is committed to increasing potential of individuals and organizations. Its proven training programs include Managerial Skills, Leadership, Negotiation skills, Project Management, Customer Service, Selling Skills, Presentation Skills etc.Global Development Foundation Training programs are either open house public workshops or are customized and developed for a specific organization or college to cater to specific objectives, be it communication, Selling techniques, Delegation skills or simply team building amongst students or beneficiary.
In order to widen our horizons and reach out to maximum number of clients, we have come with different banners to cater our services in all forms in our society. The different banners are Quantum Global Leader, Quantum Rural and Quantum Child Sponsorship located in Delhi NCR, Harayana, Rajasthan, UP & Uttrakhand. We are very clear about our objectives and this has enabled us to reach a commanding height in the industry. We emphasize a lot on the highest ethical standards to be maintained in our training programs. Special attention is given regarding training and opportunities.